Please note that there are copy productions of our foundation "Elemoi" in the market.

Copy productions which are hard to distinguish from our real Elemoi go on the market in China, Hong Kong and other countries. They are possibility arrived in the Japanese market.

Imitation products steal our brand name and are sold. Logo and package design are also copied. Please be careful to buy low price productions.

◇ID tips◇
・They are very similar in the design however you will see a bad material and a rough sewing comparing with our goods.

[Tag] ・・We use two tags old one and new one.
[Motif] ・・We have two motifs flower and heart.
Flower motif) Heart motif)
<<Copy goods are made in bad quality. This may cause any bad effects in your body. >>

※We have started measure to copy productions. Please let us know if you find imitaion goods.


In addition, if you find any defect goods, please contact us.
We do our best for after-sales-service for our valued customers.。

We recommend you to choose a reliable shop to buy our products